She walks home every single day, Passing the pedestrian crossing and turning left; going on and over pass and then an underpass;waiting a little bit in front of the traffic light waving to the same traffic police as usual,
and crossing the street, the place where she live is right in front of her.
Core 核心字彙
Traffic light 紅綠燈
Traffic police 交通警察
Traffic island 分隔島
Roundabout 圓環
Road 道路
Lane 車道
Zebra 斑馬線
Stop line 汽機車停止線
Motorcycle waiting zone 機車待轉區
Overpass 天橋
Underpass 地下道
Sidewalk 人行道
Pedestrian crossing 行人穿越道
Pedestrian 行人
Car 車輛
Bicycle 腳踏車
Streetlight 路燈
Street sign 路標
Road sign 交通標誌
single 單一
pass 通過
turn 轉彎
wait 等待
bit 少量
wave 揮手
cross 穿越
street 街道
place 地方
front 前面的